25 Things You Need to Know about Your Region

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Georgia Family Connection turned 25 this year. If you’re part of a family, or you’re someone who supports families and communities in this state, this milestone anniversary should matter to you. And here’s why:

Georgia Family Connection is the only statewide network of its kind in the country dedicated to the health and well-being of families and communities. On any given day thousands of Georgians are sitting at tables in 159 counties focused on improving conditions for the children and families they know best.


We have a lot to celebrate, but we have a lot more work to do as we embark on the next quarter century. So we’re taking you on a journey—region by region throughout 2016—to show you the landscape for children and families across our state. Take a look each month at what each of our 12 regions is doing—and plans to do—to ensure that our communities and state thrive.

25 Things You Need to Know about

Region 12—Celebrating Two Birthdays—the Internet and Georgia Family Connection
A quarter century ago, two world-changing networks were born: the World Wide Web and Georgia Family Connection. Region 12, located in the southeastern corner of the state, also is the birthplace of this statewide network. The coordinators from the nine counties in Region 12 tell their story by using 25 Internet terms to spotlight the strategies they’re implementing to improve conditions for children and families.

Region 11—Nurturing Healthy Families through Healthy Communities
Watch a video, produced by the coordinators in the southernmost corner of the state—which shows how these innovators, trendsetters, and game-changers are applying what 25 years of Family Connection has taught them: healthy and helpful communities bring about healthy and successful families.

Region 10—Collaborating across County Lines to Strengthen Families
It’s time for a special Collaborative edition of Family Feud! Watch coordinators try to out-think each other in identifying ways that the 14 county Collaboratives located in southwest Georgia are transitioning families out of poverty, curbing risky behavior, and engaging partners in collaborative work.

Meeting Families Where They Are in Region 9
Watch a music video—produced by the coordinators in Region 9—to see how they’re bringing partners together around common goals to strengthen families and help students succeed.

Get Your Region 8 Times—Hot Off the Presses
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Collaboratives in the 16 counties located on the central western border of the state are working together to bring change for those living in poverty by providing food and essentials—and bringing hope—to children and families in need.

Region 7—The Force Awakens
Step aside, Luke Skywalker. The 14 Georgia Family Connection Collaboratives in Region 7 are leading an epic rebellion to rid of the not-so-phantom menace that has invaded east central Georgia spreading poverty, obesity, hunger, and other unspeakable evils.

Region 6—Strengthening Families and School Success
The 11 county Collaboratives in the region are bringing partners together with a common goal to strengthen families and help students succeed. Promoting healthy living, offering Bridges Out of Poverty training and GED recruitment events, making literacy for all ages a priority, working to prevent child abuse and neglect, and revitalizing communities are just some of the ways the Collaboratives are moving toward their goal.

Region 5—Changing Lives
Distributing a half million books to kids, providing 50,000 meals to children who would have gone hungry over the summer and weekends, and logging in 45,000 volunteer hours valued at more than a million dollars are just some of the ways the 12 county Collaboratives in Rgion 5 are changing lives for the better.

Region 4—In Celebration of Collaboration
The 10 county Collaboratives in the region, where a quarter of the population lives in poverty, are committed to helping families become self sufficient, and to build positive behavior and relationships.

Region 3—Addressing Serious Challenges Facing Kids and Families
Offering family-focused cooking classes, introducing alcohol prevention curriculum for middle schools, and providing health services for students in school-based health centers are just some of the ways the 10 county Collaboratives in Region 3 are improving conditions for children and families.

Region 2—Leveraging $30 Million to Improve Quality of Life
Since 1997, the 13 county Collaboratives located in the northeast Georgia mountains have leveraged more than $30 million to improve the quality of life for children and families.

Region 1—Bringing Communities Together to Help Families Thrive
Find out how the 15 county Collaboratives in the northwest corner of Georgia are bringing communities together to help improve the lives of their fellow Georgians in that part of the state.