We connect our partners to the resources they need, we help coordinate and manage efforts, and we empower our communities to craft local solutions based on local decisions.
One of the ways we do that is by linking communities to the latest research and information about best practices for collaborating and improving the well-being of children and families, and about state- and local-level policies that affect Georgia’s communities.
The Evaluation and Results Accountability Team supports county Collaboratives as they plan, implement, and account for effects of their strategies on outcomes for children and families. Evaluation Snapshot is series of research summaries based on reports from the GaFCP Theory of Change work group.
View or download our annual reports as well as compendiums regarding topics like building the path to reading proficiency and addressing low birthweight in Georgia.
Civic health is the way communities are organized to define and address public problems. Civic health includes a wide range of civic engagement indicators, from social interactions among friends and family to the ways people participate in groups and communities.