Time to Ring In the New—Data
Print This PostIt’s a new year, and with it comes the opportunity to reflect, reevaluate, and refocus. While many of us are still reflecting on our holiday eating or reevaluating our favorite football team in the wake of a bowl game, I’d like to suggest another topic for renewed focus: data.
Even as families gathered and offices closed, members of the Georgia KIDS COUNT data team worked around the clock to update the KIDS COUNT Data Center and Georgia KIDS COUNT products with new data, fresh from the Census Bureau. As of this week, you can find new data in all five of GaFCP’s result areas:
- Healthy Children
- Children Ready to Start School
- Children Succeeding in School
- Stable, Self-Sufficient Families
- Strong Communities
Data brings into focus for us an accurate picture of our state by pointing out our strengths, our weaknesses, and trends we may not have noticed before. As we embark on the new year, it’s important to look at this updated picture of Georgia and make sure that we’re doing everything we can to make 2014 a successful, productive one for our children and families.
If you have any questions about this or other data, please send an email to rebecca@gafcp.org.
Happy New Year from Georgia KIDS COUNT.