A Message from Outgoing Board Chair Doug Reid

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My time as Board chair has come to a close. I have been honored to serve Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GaFCP), and the experience has allowed me to grow as an individual. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you. Thank you.

I’ve learned over the past couple years what an outstanding organization GaFCP is. The theory of change outcomes map you developed clearly defines our organizational strategy, how we’re going to get there through the work we do every day, and the results we hope to achieve. It’s a brilliant document that directs and guides us all in our obligation—and privilege—to improve conditions for children and families.

There’s a lot that Family Connection and its people need to accomplish in Georgia—so much that it can be overwhelming. My one hope for the future is that we do see the needle move on the indicators of child and family well-being. I’m glad GaFCP has already begun to focus on statewide initiatives like low birthweight, supermarket access, and grade-level reading—a critical step in making positive change for children.

Family Connection is so well defined and the processes so clearly articulated, that we know how to identify a problem, how to measure it, how to devise strategies to address those issues. This organization is so well conceived and well run. It’s vital to the children and families in this state. I’m proud of that.

The most gratifying thing in the world is to do meaningful work, and Family Connection does that across the state. I’m thankful to have been a part of it. I’ll always be a part of it. Maybe not in this role, but Georgia Family Connection will always be in my heart.

Keep doing the good work. Keep trying to move the needle. Keep identifying opportunities to do better. Good things will happen.