More than 80,000 young children are enrolled in Georgia Pre-K, and there are more than 11,000 early care and learning settings in Georgia. The reach of these initiatives highlights the vital role these programs play in child and family development.
In this second of a two-part webinar on housing equity, Good Samaritan Health Center Chief Operations Officer Breanna Lathrop discusses how our ZIP code can determine our life expectancy and health outcomes.
Current research exposes how the use of suspension and expulsion affects children and families and how these practices are applied disproportionately, and offers recommendations on how to discontinue these practices.
Research links housing instability, homelessness, and poverty to adverse effects on young children’s health, development, and future school performance.
This summary provides an overview of the current research about how best to embed and adapt quality improvement systems and measures of quality to include equity in early childhood education.
Funding from Coaching for Literacy enabled Emmaus House, in partnership with the Get Georgia Reading—Campaign for Grade Level Reading, to transition the program to meet the educational and socio-emotional needs of K – 3 children, funding critical supplies, training, books, and literacy kits.
Sandra Deal believed every living thing on the planet has the capacity to do remarkable things if placed in fertile soil. That’s why she and her husband, former governor Nathan Deal, wanted our schools to be top-notch.
A growing body of research is focusing on the importance of streamlining and improving coordination in the transition from early education settings to the public school system.