11th Annual Grady County Back-2-School Blitz Delivers Supplies and Hope
Print This PostParents and children from Grady County participated in the 11th Annual Grady County Back-2-School Blitz— but the first time they did a Drive-Thru—on July 25 at the Cairo High School Gym.
“Even though there’s uncertainty when school will begin,” said Grady County Family Connection Executive Director Nola Daughtry, “our children still need school materials for brick-and-mortar school or online learning.”
The 700 students who participated in the event received a free bag of essential school supplies that included pencils, pens, erasers, wide-ruled paper, pencil sharpener, and two-pocket folders. The families also received vital information from Grady County Schools and local, regional, and state organizations.
“Grady is a poverty-stricken county with lack of jobs, food, and housing, but our community works together to overcome our obstacles,” said Daughtry. “That’s what Family Connection does. We bring people together to better our families and community.”
During the event, which was co-hosted by the Georgia Family Connection Collaborative and Grady County Schools, 30 volunteers had their temperature taken and wore face masks while handing out school supply bags. The 150 remaining bags were divided and delivered to all Grady County Schools.
“We had great attendance despite the pandemic,” said Daughtry. “Grady County citizens are fortunate. There are so many businesses and organizations we know we can count on for support in our community. None of this is possible without them.”
Daughtry said Grady Family Connection and Grady County Schools are grateful to community sponsors for their generous monetary donations that enabled them to provide essential school supplies to start the school year:
Gold Level:
- Georgia CNS
- Walmart
- WellCare
Silver Level:
- Cairo Messenger
- Drew Oil Company
- Koyo and Koyo Media Team
- Option Care Pregnancy Center
- Kiwanis of Cairo
- Darlene Taylor, House of Representatives, District #173
Bronze Level:
- United National Bank
- Women of Purpose Global Ministries
- Dental Associates of Southwest Georgia
- Sheriff Harry Young
- First National Bank
“The pandemic has not changed our county’s needs, but rather added more families in need,” said Daughtry. “COVID-19 has changed everyone’s lives and made us dig deeper. Families are wondering how they will continue. Grady County Family Connection and community stakeholders bring hope and understanding by meeting regularly and working with businesses and organizations on how to handle the issues our families and community are facing each week. Post-pandemic, we will continue to do just what Georgia Family Connection is built for—we will continue to work together to educate our children and bring hope and unity to our most vulnerable families.”
Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director
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Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GaFCP) is a public-private partnership created by the State of Georgia and investors from the private sector to assist communities in addressing the serious challenges facing children and families. GaFCP also serves as a resource to state agencies across Georgia that work to improve the conditions of children and families. Georgia KIDS COUNT provides policymakers and citizens with current data they need to make informed decisions regarding priorities, services, and resources that impact Georgia’s children, youth, families, and communities.