Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Invites Middle-School Girls to Design Fitness Activities for Other Girls
Print This PostThe Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation (AFYF) is looking for innovative ideas to increase the time middle-school girls spend in moderate and vigorous physical activity—and what better way than by uncovering ideas middle school girls design for middle school girls.
Every year, Georgia Shape assesses fitness levels of a million students. Girls have historically scored lower on what experts call “aerobic capacity,” which Fitnessgram defines as the “maximum rate that the respiratory, cardiovascular, and muscular systems can take in, transport, and use oxygen during exercise.” This is the test that reveals how much physical activity an individual can do before he or she tires.
Here’s why it matters: In the long term, good aerobic capacity lowers our risk of developing high-blood pressure, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. In the short term, students with better aerobic capacity tend to perform better in school.
AFYF knows that despite efforts in current programs—during school and out of school—middle-school girls are not moving enough. So AFYF is ready to flip the script. Instead of adults developing programs for middle school girls, this grant program seeks to understand what motivates middle-school girls and invites them share what they want to do to improve their fitness.
To be considered for funding, please complete the Middle School Girls Funding Program Questionnaire and return it via email to by Friday, March 2.
AFYF will invite a select organizations to move forward with final grant applications.
Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director
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