Georgia Family Connection celebrates 25 years

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This anniversary is a testament to the strength of the relationships Family Connection maintains with partners in all 159 counties.

“What we do is vital, because on any given day thousands of Georgians are sitting at tables across the state focused on improving conditions of the children and families they know best,” said Gaye Smith, executive director of the Georgia Family Connection Partnership, “One of our core beliefs is that lasting change is local.”

This statewide network gives Family Connection a unique vantage point—not only to see the big picture, but also to operate effectively at a local level.

Early County joined the Family Connection Partnership in 2003. Gwen Houston was named coordinator and still holds that position today.

Early County Family Connection FACES offers the area resources like the alcohol prevention program, GenRx that raises awareness of prescription drug abuse, and the Healthy Relationships program that teaches youth to abstain from sexual activity. FACES focus heavily on parenting and providing them the support they need to raise healthy children.

The goal is to ensure all children are healthy, literate, making positive choices and graduate on time. To learn more about these programs and others ECFC offer, please visit

Georgia Family Connection has 25 years of experience grappling with thorny or complex issues, making sense of it all, and getting results—listening, learning, acting, and gaining wisdom along the way.

Family Connection will embark on the next quarter century by refreshing its brand and redeveloping its website to better connect partners to the resources they need to empower communities to craft local solutions based on local, data-driven decisions.

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Georgia Family Connection turned 25 this year. Find out why this milestone anniversary matters to you.

Georgia Family Connection is a statewide network with a Collaborative in all 159 counties.