Home parent educators learn about perinatal health

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Wilkes County JumpStart Home Parent Educators (l-r) Zena Zahran, Brittany Harrison, Marcell Johnson, Amethyst Wynn, and Shavarr Turner attended the fourth annual Augusta Perinatal Health Symposium on “Building Healthy Communities Starting with Mothers and Babies” held at the Double Tree Hotel in Augusta. Topics presented included public/private partnerships, nutrition and fitness, prenatal care, childhood injury prevention, breastfeeding, and use of social media. Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GAFCP) Community Support Specialist Marcell Johnson addressed “Collaboration versus Coordination” to those in attendance. She graduated

with a Bachelor of Science from Clark Atlanta University and a Juris Doctor degree from Florida State University College of Law. The GAFCP provides training and technical assistance to 14 Family Connection communities including Wilkes County.

Read the story on news-reporter.com.