At Georgia Family Connection, we’re working to ensure that all children are healthy, primed for school, and succeed when they get there; families are stable, self-sufficient, and productive; and communities are vibrant, robust, and thriving.
Getting to long-lasting community results requires collaboration across these five key result areas. None of them stand in isolation. They overlap. By working together, we can nurture children and families who thrive in vibrant communities—everywhere.
We want to see children born healthy—and stay healthy. We want all young children to receive everything they need to prepare them to start school, and we want all students to succeed. We’re working to further these aims through statewide initiatives like our Early Childhood Health and Education cohort, Low Birthweight Prevention cohort, Childhood Obesity Prevention program partner cohort, and Get Georgia Reading—Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.
We help ensure that all Georgians can become—and remain—productive citizens. We empower hard-working families to become stable and self-sufficient through our Great Start Georgia partner cohort and partnership with Georgia Division of Family and Children Services.
We’re also working across our state to support strong and prosperous communities, and we help ensure that Georgia’s communities are vibrant, robust, and thriving through our Civic Health cohort and the Georgia Civic Health Index.