Housing Equity—It’s Not Just About the House

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Housing, housing insecurity, and homelessness pose increasing challenges for communities across the state.

The Georgia Family Connection statewide network recently heard from two leaders in the field of housing equity who discussed in a two-part webinar the various and pervasive factors that affect family and community health and well-being. The relationship between housing and education, employment, health, and other key factors are intricately involved and multi-directional.

“It’s not just about the house—the home—it’s about the environment and the social determinants that impact everyone in the community,” said Sonya Hope, Georgia Family Connection Partnership’s Race, Equity, and Inclusion Committee chair. “Understanding where you live impacts how you live.”

Malik Watkins, Ph.D., of the University of Georgia Carl Vinson Institute of Government and Breanna Lathrop, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, Good Samaritan Health Center chief operations officer, discuss the importance of listening to—and communicating with—community members to understand local aspects that influence all the factors.

“Housing is an all-encompassing, all-powerful factor in many ways,” said Watkins in part one of the housing equity webinar. “Throughout the history of our country, housing is one of the consistent factors in determining quality of life. Housing is not one single thing. It takes a community to resolve many of these issues. It’s something we all have to work together on to effect these issues.”

Watch part one of the Housing Equity webinar with Malik Watkins:

Look out for part two with Breanna Lathrop next month.

If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact Sonya Hope at sonya@gafcp.org.


Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director

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