Georgia Shape Offering School Physical Activity and Nutrition Grants

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Georgia Shape is providing grant funding and technical assistance to elementary, middle, and high schools to improve student fitness based on the results of the FITNESSGRAM© assessment, or to test new strategies that support implementation of federal laws, including the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act requirements.

At no cost to the grantee, independent subject matter experts will be made available to provide training and technical assistance to funded schools. Examples of technical assistance include:

  • helping grantees conduct health assessments and identify priorities,
  • providing reference tools,
  • conducting peer learning and trainings, and
  • assisting with evaluation.

All grantees must agree to participate in or utilize training opportunities provided during the grant period. Technical assistance to support schools in developing worksite wellness programs so that teachers and staff can model healthy behaviors for youth is available to enhanced funding awardees.

Schools may apply for either core or enhanced funding:

  1. Core Funding (Nutrition only)—$3,000
    Schools applying for core funding are required to:
    1. identify a health champion;
    2. establish or re-activate a health or wellness council;
    3. conduct an approved school health assessment;
    4. identify two nutrition priority actions/activities to be completed during the 2016-2017 school year;
    5. attend a statewide “best practices” meeting;
    6. participate in training/technical assistance; and
    7. submit a final report of activities and outcomes to the Georgia Department of Public Health.
  2. Enhanced Funding (Nutrition & Physical Activity)—$5,000
    Schools applying for enhanced funding are required to:
    1. identify a health champion;
    2. establish or re-activate a health or wellness council;
    3. conduct an approved school health assessment;
    4. identify two nutrition priority actions/activities and one physical activity priority action/activity to be completed during the 2016-2017 school year;
    5. attend a statewide “best practices” meeting;
    6. participate in training/technical assistance; and
    7. submit a final report of activities and outcomes to the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Any Georgia public school is eligible to apply. Only one application per school is permitted. Schools that have received implementation or enhanced grants are not eligible to re-apply. Schools applying for Shape funding through this grant opportunity must implement evidenced-based strategies and activities that advance policies and improve environments that support the adoption of healthy behaviors.

Preference will be given to schools and districts with the greatest opportunity to improve student performance on Healthy Fitness Zone on Aerobic Capacity or Body Mass Index measures.

Previously funded schools that have received $5,000 or more are not eligible to re-apply.

Applications must be submitted online by May 2, 2016.

Go to the application Website.

If you have questions about this funding opportunity, send an email to Kia Toodle at

Georgia Shape
is the Governor’s statewide, multi-agency and multi-dimensional initiative that brings together governmental, philanthropic, academic and business communities to address childhood (0-18) obesity in Georgia. Over the next ten years Georgia Shape will work towards increasing the number of students in the Healthy Fitness Zone for Body Mass Index by ten percent. Other objectives set forth by the Governor and Georgia Shape include reaching disparate populations, increasing the aerobic capacity measure of Georgia’s youth, increasing the breast feeding rate across Georgia, and increasing the number of early care centers that excel in nutrition and physical activity measures.