Family Connection Presents Proclamation in Memory of Beth Capuson

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Pictured above, left to right, are Martha Register, Miss Virginia Harvey, Mrs. Beverly Hartman, Tom Capuson, Rachel Oliver, Ronnie Burke and Kathy Reese.

The Seminole County Family Connection Collaborative met Wednesday, March 2nd, at the North Annex of the elementary school. Ms. Rachel Oliver, District 10 Family Connection Coordinator, presented a proclamation in memory of Beth Capuson from the state Family Connection Director Gaye Smith. Beth’s family, including her husband Tom Capuson, mother Beverly Hartman and aunt Virginia Harvey, attended this special meeting along with Seminole County Interim Coordinators Ronnie Burke and Kathy Reese.

Beth Capuson was the Seminole County Family Connection Coordinator until her untimely death in December, 2015. In conjunction with her Family Connection work and her position at the Friendship United Methodist Church, she helped developed many initiatives addressing needs of families in Seminole County. These initiatives include tutoring programs, weekend food backpacks for elementary students, the monthly Manna Drop, the Thrift Store, Parent University, Back-to-School Backpacks, parent/student reading and game events, and prenatal support for teen moms. She worked closely with Lannie Grant, the Seminole County Title I Parent Involvement Coordinator, to provide books to students and teachers through the Scholastic Book Fairs at the elementary school.

Beth promoted the library and its Summer Reading Program by directing grant money to help fund prizes and activities. Beth Capuson was a champion for Seminole County, its children, schools, churches and other institutions. Beth presented the Family Connection’s Seminole County story in Atlanta at the Get Georgia Reading Conference in September, 2015. A video of her presentation was shown at the Wednesday meeting. It can be viewed on YouTube under Beth Capuson, Seminole County.

In addition to the tribute to Beth Capuson, the Collaborative heard reports from the Family Connection coordinators, Head Start director, Southwest Georgia Regional library representative, Parent Involvement coordinator, Friendship House for Jesus director, Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy, and the Archer Pregnancy Center director. The Family Connection is a state-funded agency that exists in all Georgia counties. The organization brings together community stakeholders to form the Family Connection Collaborative whose goal is to serve as a catalyst for improving the quality of life for Seminole County’s children and families. The Collaborative meets the first Wednesday of the month at the North Annex of SCES at 12:00. Everyone who has an interest in the well-being of Seminole County is invited to attend the meeting. Please call Kathy Reese at 524-8303 for more information.

Read the story on Donalsonville News.