Edward Chisolm Working for Equity Among All Students in Chatham
Print This PostMaya Angelou believed her mission in life was not merely to survive but to thrive and do so with passion and compassion. Her involvement in the civil rights movement, working with Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X demonstrated her passions and ability to thrive, as she believed in creating a more just world.
Today, the emerging social justice website, A Tough Mind and Tender Heart continues to feature dedicated activists throughout the country whose work is propelled by their passions for equity. Toughmindtenderheart.com is featuring Edward Chisolm, executive director of Chatham-Savannah Youth Futures Authority, along with two other activists addressing issues of equity throughout the country.
According to the site, Chisolm works to ensure that all students, particularly black males have access to quality educational and social services within the public school system. He is motivated by the level of devastation caused by racial discrimination in our society. Edward has dedicated three decades of his life toward working on these issues in Savannah, Ga.
Sashae Mitchell
A Tough Mind and Tender Heart Social Media Assistant
Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director
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