Pray for the Family

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Jack Eatman, executive director of Troup Family Connection Authority, wrote a prayer for families that he read at the National Day of Prayer event in LaGrange earlier this month at the Explorations in Antiquity Center. Thank you, Jack, for sharing your prayer with us.

 Heavenly Father, as we gather in this special place that honors our distant past, we are appreciative of your special creation of the Family. The Family has brought us forward from antiquity, over the many hundreds of years, to today.

Thank you for the gift of our families that are the cornerstone of this wonderful community, our state of Georgia, and our great nation.

Please help us to remain mindful that our families take many forms in the community from the traditional or nuclear two-parent family, to the single parent family, to the grandparent-led family, to the foster family. We ask, Dear Lord, that you continue to bless all these families as they raise their children. We know families often face many difficulties, particularly in these tough economic times.  We ask for your continued direction, guidance and encouragement to all our families.

Dear Lord, please guide family service providers in our community to do a good job connecting with and serving all the families in need. Help them do a good job of collaborating with other family service providers to be more efficient and cost-effective in the provision of limited resources.

We also pray Lord that you will help keep all families, parents and caregivers engaged in the early and ongoing successful education of their children.

Finally Lord, bless the fathers, mothers, the children, extended families, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, and other loved ones that come together as Family. If not under one roof, all with one heart—a heart for one another. We pray those hearts will be filled with love.

In your name, we pray.