Less than 30 Days Left to Make Sure Every Georgian Counts in Census 2020

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by Gaye Smith
Executive Director
Georgia Family Connection Partnership

Georgia has less than 30 days to be counted in Census 2020.

As of today, 27% of Georgians have still not responded and only 38 of Georgia’s counties are meeting their 2010 rate, which places Georgia 49th in the nation in total response, in front of only New Mexico.

More than ever, we can see in the wake of this pandemic why the census matters. It informs decisions on where to fund hospitals, schools, roads, and other critical institutions and infrastructure in our communities, all of which will be necessary to manage and recover from COVID-19—and other crises that emerge in the future.

Please complete the census form and urge every Georgia resident in your community to respond.

The census count is only taken once every 10 years, so if we don’t get everyone counted now, we will have to live with the very real, harmful consequences for the next decade.

Complete the census form online at 2020Census.gov.

You can also respond over the phone in your preferred language, and there’s a TDD number for the deaf and hard of hearing. Or you can respond by mailing in a paper form if you received one.

Our goal is to count every person living in Georgia, especially our hard-to-count populations and communities:

  • young children,
  • low-income children,
  • children and adults of color,
  • people who live in dense urban settings, and
  • people who live in rural and geographically challenging areas.

With your help we can ensure that everyone counts in Census 2020.