You’ve Got Rights—Law Day 2019 iCivics Challenge

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by Elizabeth Turner

Law Day 2019 on May 1 will offer us an opportunity to reflect on the role of law and our responsibilities as citizens in preserving our free society.

One of our most important obligations as citizens is to learn about our system of government so that we can engage in it fully. Or, as retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor puts it, “civic knowledge is a prerequisite for civic participation.”

Set each year by the American Bar Association, this year’s Law Day theme is “Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society.” It “focuses on these cornerstones of representative government and calls on us to understand and protect these rights to ensure, as the U.S. Constitution proposes, ‘the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.’”

The State Bar of Georgia’s iCivics Committee and GaFCP invite you to harness the opportunity of Law Day 2019 to utilize the free, non-partisan iCivics resources to help increase civic knowledge in your community among both youth and adults.

Tie into this year’s theme by using the “You’ve Got Rights” lesson with your local social studies classes, youth groups, and civic organizations. Create a gaming challenge with the “Do I Have a Right?” online game, and share your pictures and scores on social media using the hashtag #LawDay2019.

Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director

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