Georgia Foster Care Report Finds ‘Every Kid Needs A Family’
Print This PostGeorgia Family Connection Partnership’s Rebecca Rice recently discussed the results of a 2015 survey on foster care with Rose Scott and Denis O’Hayer, hosts of WABE’s ”A Closer Look.”
According to the WABE story,
More than 400,000 children are in state care across the country. The new report found there’s an “urgent need to ensure, through sound policies and proven practices, that everything possible is being done to find loving, nurturing and supported families to children in foster care.”
The Georgia Family Connection Partnership’s Rebecca Rice, who worked with the survey in Georgia, discussed the child welfare system in the state, what the survey means, and why it’s important during an interview on “A Closer Look.”
Listen to the interview on WABE.
Learn how we can place more Georgia kids in families.
Read Every Kid Needs a Family: Giving Children in the Child Welfare System the Best Chance for Success.
Bill Valladares
GaFCP Communications Director
Follow us on Twitter @gafcpnews.