Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities Announces Request for Grant Proposals

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The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is requesting proposals for initiatives that will help the Council achieve the goals outlined in its Five-Year State Plan:

  1. Education
  2. Employment
  3. Formal and Informal Supports
  4. Real Communities
  5. Self-Advocacy

The goals laid the framework for the Council’s work from 2017– 2021, which is addressing services and supports across the State. Charged with creating systems change for individuals with developmental disabilities and family members through advocacy and capacity building activities, the outcomes for all GCDD efforts aim to ensure that the disability community is more interdependent, has greater economic self-sufficiency, is integrated and included in respective communities, and allows for self-determination.

You will need to submit an application using a web-based system called DD Suite.

Applications are due by 11:59 p.m., Feb. 6, 2018.

Click on each grant number for more information and to apply.

18ED1 School-to-Prison Pipeline
GCDD is requesting proposals from individuals or organizations to address the issue of African-American males in special education and to ensure that these students will have equal access to quality education that can redirect their trajectory away from the school-to-prison pipeline. Grant amount is $35,000.

18ED4 Marketing for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education
GCDD is requesting proposals from individuals or organizations to develop an overall strategic marketing plan at this pivotal time in its evolution. The scope of the work will include creative development for a campaign to educate educators, students, and families through print, broadcast, and digital media channels. Grant amount is $25,000.

18REM1 Technical Assistance Center for Best Practices in Employment Supports
GCDD is requesting proposals from individuals or organizations to improve employment supports and outcomes for individuals with disabilities who want to work. Grant amount is $60,000.

Schedule of Notice of Funds Available Events:

  • Jan. 16: Applicants’ Conference @ GCDD (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
  • Jan. 19: Deadline for written Questions
  • Jan. 19: Deadline for written requests for Accommodation
  • Jan. 24: Answers to written questions posted on GCDD website
  • Feb. 6: Applications Due in DD Suite by 11:59 PM
  • Feb. 6 – 9: Application Review by Grants Manager
  • Feb. 12 – 16: Selection Committee conducts first review and selects finalists
  • Feb. 19 – 23: Selection Committee interviews finalists
  • Feb. 26: Notice of Intent to Award posted on website
  • Feb. 26 – March 9: Contract Negotiations with assigned program staff
  • March 9 – 14: Complete Contract process (Signatures)
  • March 15: Work Begins (or later)